

Nairobi is a haven for events ranging from music, plays, poetry, exhibitions, food & drinks, meetups and much more. These events are multicultural and serve different needs and people groups. They are also a way to sample the city.

Finding such events, to one’s liking ,might prove to be a challenge mostly due to information overload through internet searches which might result in decision fatigue.We asked ourselves


There are too many platforms offering event listings that are not personalised to the user eg. Kenya Buzz, Ticketsasa, Google, Facebook. These platforms offer long lists of events which cause consumers to experience decision fatigue and analysis paralysis due to overwhelming choice of event information.


To design a mobile app that will make it easier for people to locate events in Kenya based on their own preference

To comply with my non-disclosure agreement, I have omitted and obfuscated confidential information in this case study. The information in this case study is my own and does not necessarily reflect the views of NDI.


UX / UI / Designer

Tosh Mukei

Customer Insights & Ideation

We divided ourselves into specific teams to uncover insights and translate concepts into features that address customer behaviours and motivations.

Experience Strategy & Vision

We created frameworks and prototypes to share the vision, design principles and content strategy. This helped to evangelise ideas, gain alignment and drive decision making.

Experience Strategy & Vision

We defined the product with the NDI team. Together we evangelised customer goals and balanced business goals. I prioritised and negotiated features for launch and beyond.

Oversight & Coordination

We designed across and collaborated with other designers and our Project Manager to translate product features for each platform context.

Design Execution & Validation

We designed for both , Android, iOS and the iOS mobile Digital Music Store using Adobe XD, Photoshop and Illustrator to execute journeys, wireframes, prototypes and design specs.


We designed up and presented works to gain buy‐in from executives, senior stakeholders and many other NDI partners throughout the project lifecycle.

1. Surface- Strategy - Uncovering user needs & business goals

At this stage, we needed to find out what users and the business wanted to get out of NaiNow. To do this, we carried out research around Nairobi to uncover different users’ latent needs. We spoke to those who call Nairobi home together with those visiting Nairobi to uncover any existing differences they have when looking for and attending events. We spoke to event organisers and event curators to understand the nature of their work and the challenges they encounter while using the existing apps.

From the research, based on the different participants engaged with we created 4 personas to reflect the goals, motivations and needs of the main users. These would aid in decision making on certain features and later, with testing our prototypes.

Tosh Mukei

From the research, based on the different participants engaged with we created 4 personas to reflect the goals, motivations and needs of the main users. These would aid in decision making on certain features and later, with testing our prototypes.

Tosh Mukei

Personalised Experience

Consumers require relevant and personalised reminders about upcoming and past events in order to make appropriate decision. Use of push notifications and past event promotion should clearly explain to consumers the value NaiNow offers as well as know what to expect for the next experience Consumers prefer push notifications to remind them about an event as it approaches rather than sitting on the application.

“The use of past event video and photos help in promoting next event since people can picture what to expect in the upcoming event”- Fred

HMW use past event promotions to inform what users should expect for their subsequent experience?

HMW offer reward to consumers to ensure increased application engagement?

Tosh Mukei

Redefining our opportunity questions

How Might We improve the experience and process for those discovering Nairobi through events and great experiences by integrating the entire journey and leverage the user preferences in order to provide personalized experience?

How Might We capitalise on people’s preferences by creating a platform that is personalised and offers a pleasing journey while seeking experiences in Nairobi ?

How Might We create an interesting and pleasing journey for people seeking experiences in Nairobi by offering a personalised platform that optimises on their preferences?

A platform that offers curated experiences, personalized to people’s preferences.

How it works
Tosh Mukei


black man

City dweller

A local who doesn’t shy away from regularly attending events. His friends influence the type of events he attends and he has different friends who he attends different types of events with. He is constantly looking for unique experiences and assurance of security increases his chances of attending a certain event

black man

Event Guru

His taste in events is unmatched. He shares a range of events & experiences from his unique perspective as a quick filter to help his followers identify exciting events & experiences.

black man

Event Architect

She understands what it takes to make an event successful. She leverages on different people and organisations to ensure her events are always the talk of Nairobi. Her style is intimate and exclusive events with a cultural undertone.

black man

Cultural Rover

A foreigner who is exploration-driven and is looking to uncover new, authentic, local experiences. She would like to meet new people along the way. She values her time and money and is always keen on knowing the location of an event before she considers attending it.

Marketing Strategy

The campaign is aimed at showcasing curated experiences happening in Nairobi according to individual personal preferences The slogan depicts a fun & exciting atmosphere that appeals to all people of all ages It is also easily understood by both locals and foreigners who connect it to fun and good times ‘When I think of Nairobi I see color, I see smiles and I see the sun’

Tosh Mukei

Campaign Slogan



The slogan depicts a fun & exciting atmosphere that appeals to all people of all ages

Easy to understand

The slogan depicts a fun & exciting atmosphere that appeals to all people of all ages

Covers all segments

The slogan depicts a fun & exciting atmosphere that appeals to all people of all ages

It has longevity

The slogan depicts a fun & exciting atmosphere that appeals to all people of all ages

Applicable in context

The slogan depicts a fun & exciting atmosphere that appeals to all people of all ages

It connects globally

The slogan depicts a fun & exciting atmosphere that appeals to all people of all ages


We created Immersive marketing content to express the curation Experience

Tosh Mukei
Tosh Mukei


How do we make consumers aware of what the app has to offer and what they are signing up to?

Phone Mockup
Phone Mockup
Phone Mockup
Phone Mockup

First Use

Users’ App feed will show curated events personalized to the user’s previously chosen preferences.

Phone Mockup
Phone Mockup

Sustained Use

What are the benefits of using NaiNow? How else can NainNow be utilised?

Phone Mockup
Phone Mockup